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How to create a fake facebook status

How to make a fake facebook status of your wish

First of all take a look to my status and then create your own status

Hey friends today i am here with my new post ,
my another secret is revealed and i am going to tell you how to create a fake facebook status of your wish. you have to  follow my simple procedure.

So lets starts with my simple procedure just follow my simple procedure.

This is very simple and very unique, due to this fake status amaze your every single friend

So start here =>

* Click on this website link

* Now click on the connect button as seen in the pic

*Login there and allow every access
    no need to worry about it , this is an secure website.

*Once you login there edit every single thing which you want to edit i would suggest you do your an much
 as you can like 8551 other like in this pic as shown below,

* Once you done with everything only u need to pick that picture or save that image like i have saved this one

* Now tag your friend in this pic and show your status to every one and amaze your friend now


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