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How to hang someones computer or laptop (with rabbit virus)

   Rabbit virus
Hey guyz i have terrific trick if you want to hang someone pc or lappy  you need to do only simple steps and

it is very easy to make a virus

i have written this post because i want to take revenge from someone and i just made this virus and

i ll show you also how to kill someone 's computer  first of all i ll teach you how to make a virus

now start here with this simple procedure :-

  How to make a rabbit virus :-

Fork Bombs Or Rabbit viruses

 this is the code that you type into notepad.exe remember to save it as a .bat or if you want it in a dorminant for save it as a .txt
listen carefully... I am not responsible if you kills your computer or aNYbody Else computer with or without permission..

Blocks of code should be set as style "Formatted" like this.

Code: .bat


Now send this virus with email or send this link to that person to download it


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